Structured Diploma Program

The Process Work Center of Hawaii is taking some new and exciting paths in the training programs we offer.  There are a few keywords that express our vision. One is integration. We are integrating the structure of many existing programs by developing a program with the freedom and openness of the self-guided Diploma program for half of the exam topics and intensive training Certificate programs for the other half. Many programs emphasize either 1st or 2nd training, but this program integrates and flows back and forth between the two. We will be integrating ongoing online classes with in-person classes and welcoming in and integrating other approaches that support Processwork methods. Classes will be online and in person in Hawaii, Portland, and many other world sites.

Another key word is inclusiveness. We want to include people from many parts of the world and many different economic levels and abilities to pay for the program. Our program will strive to build as diverse a teaching staff and student group as possible in regard to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, health, and other possible areas of deep diversity.

Inclusiveness also means we are welcoming faculty from around the world to join us as we have space for more teachers. The core teaching group will approve new faculty members who apply. We will also welcome non-diplomate teachers as adjunct faculty who can add to the programs and join in the seminar instruction. We welcome MAPOF graduates and 2nd training-certified teachers to join us in this capacity.

Another key word is commitment. We are committed as teachers to follow our own bodies and to encourage our students to follow theirs. Too many training programs in mind body spirit work fail to support people to take care of their whole selves and their body in the process of learning. We are committed to teach and practice Processwork in a trauma-informed way.

The program, based in Hawaii, is dedicated to the spirit of Aloha, of coming from our hearts in how we deal with each other as students, faculty, and community members. We also are conscious that we are on the land of the Hawaiian people and will strive to show awareness, connection, respect, and honoring to the people who have been so kind to us as we have set up this center here. We will also be inviting traditional Hawaiian and other indigenous teachers to join our training programs.


Structure of the Program 

The Diploma program is based on a series of Certificate programs.  Included are:

Healing History

Focusing on Process Oriented trauma and group process and conflict work, as applied to individuals, relationships, systems, and organizations.  Also included is working with systems and organizations, as well as going beyond trauma and focusing on individual and world liberation.  

Deep Bodywork

Processwork with our hands to help unfold the meaning and energy of acute and chronic symptoms, injuries, and trauma.

Working with Dreams and Exploring Inner Work: Enhancing Awareness Using Processwork Applications

This will focus on dreamwork, inner work with ourselves, and guiding others through their internal states.  

Relationship Work

Focusing on couple’s work, family therapy, sex and intimacy therapy, and working with children and youth as part of family systems.  

Altered and Extreme States and Addictions

Focusing on working with the whole spectrum of altered and extreme state experiences, from peak experiences and mild trance states to extreme states, profound trances, and coma states.  We then will also bring in a Process Oriented way of working with substance and behavioral addictions.


At a time the world needs Worldwork more than ever, we are offering an in-depth certificate program that trains people in both 1st and 2nd training methods of Worldwork. This certificate program is based on theoretical material, training, and lots of practice and practical experiences in facilitation.

Each student needs to complete 4 of these in-depth training certificates. That is the structured part of the program, and students will come out with lots of training in these 4 areas. Then in consultation with their advisor, they will need to structure their studies, so they pass exams in all areas.



A complete list of faculty is available on our faculty page.  We are a growing international faculty from the United States, England, Poland, Kenya, Jerusalem, and Japan.  Our faculty will continue to grow as our program grows.

Other Requirements

  • Students need to complete 4 areas of in-depth study and then be able to pass exams in all areas of examination with exams that are the same as those given in most programs.

  • Students will need to pick a main advisor and 2 other PWCH faculty to form a Study Committee.

  • Students will need to complete an internship at Rivers Way Community Clinic, online, or at some other setting.

  • Students will need to engage in ongoing therapy and supervision with a therapist and supervisor, as 90 hours of supervision and 120 hours of therapy are required.

  • Students will need to create and present a final project that will be held to similar standards as other Process Work Diploma programs.


This Diploma program does not confer an academic degree or prepare you for any kind of licensure track.

Application and Registration

Write us a dream that calls you to study Processwork. Include in this application a summary of your prior experience with Processwork. Give us a sense of what you are studying for—self-development, professional use as a therapist or facilitator, to become more effective at world change, or all of the above.

Include a reference from someone who knows you well.


Fees are $2500 US dollars a year. This includes 2 study committee meetings a year as well as administrative fees to help cover the cost of maintaining a center. Students must pay for their own seminars, classes, therapy, and supervision sessions.

This fee is for people living in the United States, Western Europe, Japan, and other countries where the economies and people’s salaries can afford these rates. Separate rates are available for countries whose economies and people’s salaries are quite different. Some possible scholarships may also be available.


We are in the process of hiring an administrator.  For now, send all inquiries to Gary Reiss at